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Fairfield Hills Management - 6/21/2005
The Ad Hoc Fairfield Hills Management Committee held a regular meeting on Tuesday, June 21, 2005 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Chairman John Reed called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  John Reed, Richard Sturdevant, William Lavery, Moira Rodgers, Andrew Willie      ABSENT:  Robert Geckle, Amy Dent, Donald Studley

ALSO PRESENT: Will Rodgers, (Legislative Council Chairman), Jeff Cugno (O&G), Scott Bailey (O&G), Ed Marks (Parks & Rec Commission), Jan Andras (clerk),  three members of public, one member of press

Acceptance of Minutes:  Upon motion by Mr. Lavery, the minutes of the 4/19/05 and 5/17/05 meetings were unanimously accepted as presented.

Facilities Manager’s Report:  Ms. DeMarco is on vacation and could not be present tonight.  Her assistant submitted a written report (attached to original copy of minutes).  Chairman Reed reported that he had individually contacted the members of this committee about the request from the Friends of the Library to use Newtown Hall and the surrounding grounds for the Labor Day Book Sale.  A letter was then sent to First Selectman Rosenthal stating that the members expressed support for the concept as presented.  
        Mr. Lavery moved to support the concept of the Labor Day Book Sale being held at Newtown Hall and the surrounding grounds, subject to approval by building officials. Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Mr. Lavery advised that the Friends of the Library need more book storage room and are requesting temporary space at Canaan House.  
        Mr. Lavery moved to amend his motion to recommend that storage be available in Canaan House for Friends of the Library in preparation for the Labor Day Book Sale.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
Master Gardener Plan – Ms. Nancy Gould was present from the Connecticut Master Gardeners Association which is a volunteer program sponsored through and affiliated with UConn.  They would be very interested in volunteering their services to design landscaping for the campus.  She displayed a draft plan for the security/administration building.  There were some questions about the plan for a driveway and paved pad for electrical equipment for the campus and about the handicapped access to the building.  Public Works Director Fred Hurley will be contacted.  Ms. Gould was thanked for her presentation.

Project Manager – Mr. Jeff Cugno and Mr. Scott Bailey were present from O&G Industries.  O&G has been awarded the bid for project management services at
Fairfield Hills but does not yet have a final, signed contract.  A Project Management Report, dated June 21, 2005, was distributed (attached to original minutes).  Regarding the asbestos removal, Mr. Cugno advised that a decision will have to be made regarding priority of buildings to be remediated and then go out to bid.  Regarding soil remediation,  Russell Bartley plans to have the bid packages ready by the end of the month.   Russell will be recommending different alternatives for a final decision which will have to be made before the specifications are finalized.  Mr. Lavery would like to request existing lawsuits and prior judgments be required from all respondents.  
Chairman Reed asked that all future management reports be sent to the clerk to be included with agendas prior to meetings in order to give members enough time to look them over.  We need to decide whether to operate as a committee of the whole or form subcommittees to go over task orders.  Mr. Lavery feels we need to be a committee of the
whole for now until an ordinance is finalized creating an Authority.  Mr. Sturdevant asked if we will be continuing to engage the project management company.  He feels that we need to have a structure or flow chart once the Authority is established.  
Mr. Lavery moved to approve the O&G Scope of Services Task Order #1, dated 6/21/05.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
Legislative Council Chairman Will Rodgers pointed out that we appreciate the preparation work O&G has provided to date, without yet having a signed contract.

Officers Report – None

Committee Report – None

Public Participation – Ms. Ruby Johnson, Chestnut Hill Road, Sandy Hookduring the last meeting, there was discussion about the Tercentennial event to be held at Fairfield Hills.  “Someone said maybe we should close the campus and find someplace else”, but the First Selectman answered that there is no place else.  She feels there will never be another place like Fairfield Hills.  Chairman Reed objected to Ms. Johnson’s remarks, stating that he does not want the statement made that this committee said “close” the campus.  There were concerns about the limited parking and about public safety.  He reminded Ms. Johnson that the members of this committee know that this property is important to the town and are volunteering their time to this project.   Ms. Johnson made other remarks that members of the committee objected to as being inaccurate.  Mr. Lavery advised Ms. Johnson that the committee does not need to be constantly told about what has happened in the past.  “We know all of that and now we are trying to move forward”.
        Mr. Ed Marks, Sweet Meadow Road (member of Parks & Recreation Commission – regarding the utility pad to be installed at the rear of the security building, he feels that this will be unsightly at the main entrance to the campus.  
        He feels that people are tolerant of short-term disruptions as long as they receive notice.  The Parks & Rec Commisison will deal with the temporary loss of the ballfields at the campus but asks that they be kept apprised of what is going on so that they can notify others.
        According to the Project Schedule, the playing fields estimates and design will begin in June, the Parks & Rec Commission is ready to assist and give their feedback about the playing fields.  They want to be involved to try to prevent the problems that occurred with the ballfields at the Reed School, which we are still unable to use.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

                                                        John Reed, Chairman

Attachment A:  Facilities Manager Report
Attachment B:  Project Management Report